
Magnitude of Anemia and Associated Factors among 6-59 Old Age Children Admitted To Gursum Woreda Health Facilities, Eastern Ethiopia

Abdurezak Mohamed*; Usman Abdullahi; Abdi Umar

    Anemia is a major global health issue, especially common in developing countries because of various health and socioeconomic challenges. Despite its critical nature, there is limited data on anemia in our specific study area. ...

The Benefits of Insects as a Nutrient

Samer Younes*

    The global population is growing at an alarming rate, leading to a shortage of land and food resources. As a result, there is a need to find alternative sources of food. Edible insects have gained significant attention due to their economic and environmental benefits, as well as their potential in various industries. ...

Antihyperglycemic Effect of Moringa Oleifera Leaf Powder on Fasting Blood Sugars: A Retrospective Cross over Study

Annie Mattilda Raymond; Chhavi Mehra*; Ankitha Sequeira; Laxmi Kulkarni

    Diabetes mellitus and obesity are major health issues in India. Prevalence studies have estimated that around 6–12% of urban and 2–3% of rural Indians are diabetic. Type II diabetes (NIDDM) is the most common type of diabetes. It is associated with older age, obesity, family history, physical inactivity, and ethnicity [1]. ...

Diabetes Remission in a Young Diabetic Patient with Non-Alcoholic Liver Disease

José G Jiménez-Montero*; Mayra Villegas-Barakat

    We present the case of a 24-year-old newly diagnosed type 2 diabetic person with NAFLD and hyperlipidaemia. Intensive glucose management and weight loss normalized HbA1c and liver function tests. This report illustrates the impact of a comprehensive diabetes management inducing diabetes remission and reversion of NAFLD. ...

CD36 Level in Migraine Patients before and After Dietary Alteration of N-3 and N-6 Fatty Acids

Hongtao Li

    CD36 is a surface marker found on platelets, monocytes, adipocytes, hepatocytes, and some epithelial cells. This transmembrane receptor protein plays a crucial role in various biological processes, including lipid metabolism and inflammation-related pathways. ...

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