
Ensuring Optimal Performance: Acceptance Testing of the Symbia Intevo Bold SPECT/CT System at SQCCCRC, University Medical City, Muscat, Oman

S Kheruka*; N Al-Maymani; N Al-Makhmari; H Al-Saidi; S Al-Rashdi; A Al-Balushi; Tasnim Raii; V Jayakrishnan; A Jain; K Al-Riyami; R Al-Sukaiti

    This prospective study reports the acceptance testing of the Symbia Intevo Bold SPECT/CT scanner (Siemens Healthineers), recently installed at SQCCCRC, University Medical City, Muscat, Oman, before its clinical implementation.

Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD): A Case Report and the Role of Radiological Imaging

Abdulkerim Ali; HTOO MYO; Priya Vijayaragavan; Shoaib Sheikh

    Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD) is a rare and fast-progressing neurodegenerative disorder caused by abnormal prion proteins. It can present with symptoms, such as psychiatric or neurological condition. This case report describes a middle-aged woman with Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD), initially thought to have psychiatric disorder due to symptoms of agitation and cognitive decline.

Measurement of Length of Mandibular Ramus Using Computed Tomography

Sandesh Gharti Magar*; Swastik Sagar Poudel; Aman Kasula; Arpan Nepal; Bijaya Bhattarai

    The determination of age and sex is crucial for establishing a human identity. The mandible is an accessible and durable bone that would be very useful in this respect. It exhibits a high degree of sexual dimorphism. To find the length of the ramus of mandible and its correlation with age and sex.

Case Report: The Pseudoliver Sign on Ultrasound

Haniya Butt*; Aimen Idrees Khan; Abdullah Alvi

    Empyema thoracic is characterized by the accumulation of pus in the phrenic space,often resulting from the extension of an infection from the abdomen or thorax. This report presents a case of empyema demonstrating the pseudoliver sign.

Impacts of Radiation on Human Health: A Narrative Review

K Sathiya*; Kalpana Ramachandran

    Radiation, both natural and man-made, is ever-present in our environment and is integral to various industrial, medical, and scientific applications. Understanding its various forms, sources, and biological effects is essential for modifying potential health risks and maximizing its beneficial uses.

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