Archive 2

Study of interpretation of cardiotocography educational illustrations by experts discarding early/late/variable deceleration categorization – Physiology or unscientific ideology, myths and road to perdition?

Shashikant L sholapurkar

    Objective: To evaluate the safety/risks of the doctrine of abandonment of categorization of fetal heart rate decelerations into early/late/variable by the expert group from St George’s University Hospital, London; by analyzing the reproducibility and results of interpretation of their cardiotocography teaching illustrations.

Active medical interventions at birth in primiparae have a linear association with maternal ages (Y= 1.4X)

Pierre-Yves Robillard*; Thomas C Hulsey; Malik Boukerrou; Francesco Bonsante; Gustaaf Dekker; Silvia Iacobelli

    Background & objectives: To investigate the potential association between maternal age and obstructed labour or fetal distress in primiparas, defined as requiring active obsterical intervention (caesarean sections, vaginal operative procedures).

Pigmented bowen disease on sclerosus and atrophicus lichen

Ouiame EL Jouari*; Sara Elloudi; Anas Zaougui; Ghita Senhaji; Amina Lamouaffaq; Zakia Douhi; Hanane Baybay, Molay Hassan Farih, Fatima Zahra Mernissi

    Sclerosus or sclero-atrophic lichen is a fibrosing inflammatory dermatosis of chronic evolution and female predominance [1]. It manifested by a single leucoplasic, pigmented or erythroplasic plaque affecting, mainly the ano-genital region. Malignant degeneration is poorly reported in the literature. We report a particular case of pigmented Bowen’s disease occurring on a sclerosus and atrophicus lichen...

Difference between being in favor of permitting abortion after rape and willingness to provide such services, according to physician’s characteristics

Anibal Faundes*; Laura Miranda; Silvana Ferreira Bento; Karla Simona de Padua

    Brazil is an example of low-middle income country with restive abortion laws and barriers to access to abortion in the limited legal conditions, such as rape. We intended to evaluate through a Knowledge Attitude and Pratice (KAP) survey of gynecologists obstetricians, how the difference between opinion about the legality of abortion after rape and willingness to provide abortion of raped women was related to the gynecologists’ characteristics...

Seborrheic keratosis of the breast mimicking melanoma

Ouiame EL Jouari*; Sara Elloudi; Ghita Senhaji; Hanane Baybay; Fatima Zahra Mernissi

    Seborrheic keratosis is a common skin lesion that can usually be recognized either clinically or dermoscopically. However, seborrheic keratosis with atypical clinical and dermoscopy presentation are increasingly reported. The main objective in differential diagnosis is to discriminate seborrheic keratosis from malignant conditions, and especially melanoma, in order to determine correct treatment pathways as early as possible...

Extra-genital lichen sclero-atrophic

Lamouaffaq A; Elloudi S; Senhaji G; Eljouari O; Baybay H; Mernissi FZ

    Sclero-Atrophic Lichen (SAL) is a chronic inflammatory dermatosis of unknown etiology that presents with severe pruritus, epidermal atrophy and dermal sclerosis affecting predominately the anogenital area of post-menopausal females. Extragenital involvement is uncommon and commonly affects the neck, shoulders and upper portion of the trunk, and is generally asymptomatic. There is no cure for LSA...

Maternal and fetal effects of cardiac illness during pregnancy in Beni-Suef localities/Egypt: A multi-centric cross sectional study

Shehata NAA*; El nadeim MZ; Ali HAA; Fahim AS; Hussein GK

    Objectives: To assess effects of cardiac illness during pregnancy in Beni-Suef localities/Egypt.
    Methods: A multi-centric prospective observational study included 364 cardiac pregnant women. It was conducted between January 2015 and December 2016. A Performa was predesigned to complete essential information regarding heart condition during the present pregnancy from each participant.

Twin pregnancy with a complete hydatiform mole and a coexisting normal fetus

Fatnassi R*; Ghedas S; Marouen N; Mtibaa A

    Twins pregnancies associating both complete hydatidiform mole and normal pregnancies represent an exceptional obstetrical situation. It is a high risk gestation either for the mother or for the normal fetus. There are no specific clinical features. The ultrasonography examination, thanks to its recent evolution, is the key stone for an earlier diagnosis. Concerning the fetal prognosis, most of these pregnancies evolve spontaneously to abortion.

Salmonella tuboovarian abscess

Stephanie Chow*; Andrea Aslan

    Salmonella is an extremely rare cause of tuboovarian abscesses. A 33 year old female presented with 1 week of fevers, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Imaging showed a right adnexal lesion concerning for a tuboovarian abscess. Drainage of the abscess revealed chocolate-colored fluid. Despite antibiotics and drain placement, she remained febrile and developed an acute abdomen. She then underwent a diagnostic laparoscopy, pelvic irrigation, and ovarian cyst drainage. Culture of the abscess drainage and intraabominal fluid collected from surgery grew out pan-sensitive Salmonella. Our patient likely had Salmonella enterocolitis with bacterial translocation to an ovarian endometrioma.

Clinical manifestations and management of hospitalized women with bartholin versus non-bartholin vulvar abscess

Yoav Peled*; Anat Shmueli*; Adi Y Weintraub; Ram Eitan; Arnon Wiznitzer; Haim Krissi

    Objective: To examine and compare the clinical manifestations and management of hospitalized women with Bartholin and non-Bartholin vulvar abscesses.
Methods: This was a retrospective study of all women diagnosed and hospitalized for vulvar abscesses at a large tertiary medical center in the years 2004 and 2013.

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