Annals of Infectious Diseases & Preventive Medicine

Annals of Infectious Diseases & Preventive Medicine covers wide areas of infectious diseases and its prevention. Articles published in this journal are peer reviewed and is aimed to disseminate information regarding this niche among the targeted medical fraternity. The Infectious Diseases & Preventive Medicine deals with all kinds of infections like viral or bacterial or any other kind of infection which has historical evidence of re-emergence in a while. The overall awareness drive about the various infectious diseases and ways of combatting them effectively is being discussed in this journal.

The Annals of Infectious Diseases & Preventive Medicine very effectively furnishes the microscopic and clinical findings of any particular disease along with its details of the exact time of emergence which also includes the various symptoms of the disease and the suggestion of possible medications. This stream of medical science is especially helpful in the right diagnosis, proper characterization and the effective therapy of the different complex diseases.

The Annals of infectious diseases & preventive medicine talks about the chronological research findings and case studies of various diseases like Plague, Tuberculosis, Neuralgia, Typhoid fever, Smallpox, Meningitis, Leprosy, Ergotism, Influenza and Pharyngitis etc. The Annals of Infectious Diseases & Preventive Medicine has got open access and is peer reviewed and thus all the information published in this journal are completely reliable and genuine. The high quality manuscripts are passed through strict reviews before they are being published in the Annals of Infectious Diseases & Preventive Medicine.


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