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Dermoscopic of trichilemmal carcinoma

  • A Alaoui;
    • Departement of dermatology, CHU Hassan II, FES, Morocco
  • S Elloudi;
    • Departement of dermatology, CHU Hassan II, FES, Morocco
  • M Bennani;
    • Departement of dermatology, CHU Hassan II, FES, Morocco
  • Z Douhi;
    • Departement of dermatology, CHU Hassan II, FES, Morocco
  • H Bay;
    • Departement of dermatology, CHU Hassan II, FES, Morocco
  • FZ Mernissi;
    • Departement of dermatology, CHU Hassan II, FES, Morocco
  • Corresponding Author(s): :El Harrouni Alaoui

  • Departement of dermatology, CHU Hassan II, FES, Morocco

  • :ealaouiaicha@gmail.com

  • A Alaoui (2019).

  • This Article is distributed under the terms of Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Received : Aug 07, 2019
Accepted : Sep 09, 2019
Published Online : Sep 11, 2019
Journal : Journal of Case Reports and Medical Images
Publisher : MedDocs Publishers LLC
Online edition : http://meddocsonline.org

Cite this article: Alaoui A, Elloudi S, Bennani M, Douhi Z, Baybay H, et al. Dermoscopic of trichilemmal carcinoma. Case Rep Clin Images. 2019; 2(1): 1023.

Keywords:Trichilemmal carcinoma; Malignant tumors

Clinical Image


      Trichilemmal carcinoma (TC) is a rare malignant adnexal neoplasm with outer roots heath differentiation was first described by Headington. TC is commonly located on the scalp, forehead and neck, trunk or the upper extremities. Nevertheless an adverse outcome may occur with ganglion metastases and rarely haematogenous. Differential diagnosis is very important to distinguish it from the other malignant tumors, Although dermoscopic examination is very important to perform while considering the differential diagnosis of skin cancers, it is sometimes difficult to distinguish adnexal tumors from non melanoma skin cancers as in our case. We report a case of trichilemmal carcinoma in the inguinal region, which might have been diagnosed as a squamous cell carcinoma but Dermoscopic view of the tumor suggested a trichilemmal carcinoma, confirmed by histopathological examination.

Figure 1: Dermoscopy aspect: Polymorphous vascular pattern,White-yello wish areas, and Ulceration


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