Environmental Sciences: Open Access

Environmental science deals with the study of the environment. It is an interdisciplinary academic area that integrates biology, physics, and geography. It allows readers to know how to resolve a range of environmental problems. Environmental science originates from the natural history and medical fields during the explanation.

The Environmental Sciences: Open Access journal is to promote interdisciplinary communication. It also aims to facilitate readers to understand the importance of environmental problems and how to resolve them. The journal publishes significant and new research on the destiny and performance of various aspects of environmental science. It includes vital information about emerging contaminants, human exposure to these environmental contaminants, human impact on the environmental pollutants, their health effects, and ecological remediation and management.

The Environmental Sciences: Open Access journal is renowned for publishing original research articles. It also publishes high-quality critical reviews, perspectives, and highlights. The journal is available for the readers both online and in printed form. It is considered a scholarly-refereed research periodical for promoting the theory as well as the practice of environmental science, engineering, innovation, and management.

The broad outline of the publishing content of the Environmental Sciences: Open Access journal includes unplagiarized research articles, technical reports, appraisals and evaluation papers, short notes, and communications to the editor in interdisciplinary information on the status and practice of human-made and natural research in environmental science. It covers the main aspects of research areas in the field of environmental sciences, including environmental biology and chemistry, pollution control on environments, and abatement technology.

Contact: environmental-sciences@meddocsonline.org

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